Health & Wellbeing of Indigenous Youth in Out-of-Home Care

Supporting the health and wellbeing of Indigenous youth in out-of-home care

This project aims to apply a strengths-based approach to identify the wellbeing of First Nations young people (aged 12–17) in out-of-home care and co-design culturally grounded programs that support and improve their wellbeing. The project is being conducted in collaboration with services that provide out-of-home care to First Nations young people across 2 Australian jurisdictions.

The project is funded by an NHMRC–CIHR Healthy Cities Implementation Science Grant and is being conducted in collaboration with our Canadian colleagues.

Project members

Gail Garvey

Professor Gail Garvey (AM)

NHMRC Leadership Fellow and Professor in Indigenous Health Research

Dr Kate Anderson

Honorary Fellow
Honorary Associate Professor
School of Public Health
Neelam Malik

Neelam Malik

Principal Research Project Officer