
The Mental Health and Climate Change Research Network arranges events such as webinars and discussion forums to facilitate the sharing of new research findings, promote groundbreaking research, encourage conversations within the sector, and engage with government and industry.

Next webinar

New events to be announced soon.

Previous webinars

Webinar: Climate anxiety and the media: how do we change the story? (10 October 2023)
Media headlines and fears about climate change are fuelling extreme emotional responses in our communities ranging from despair and hopelessness through to doomsday prepping. This conv
ersation explores the nexus between polarised media reporting and climate change, and how we can use nature, creativity and community activism to re-engage with our personal power and reduce climate anxiety.  

Webinar: Mental health and climate change: Do we have a policy gap? (28 March 2023)
UQ researchers, and industry and government experts discuss the strengths and weaknesses of our local, state and federal policies, and explore the way forward. Hosted by: Mental Health and Climate Change Research Network.

Climate change and mental health webinar series | RANZCP (18 October 2022)
Session 1: Climate change and mental health: What we need to know and care about?
Presenters: Dr Cybele Dey, Associate Professor Fiona Charlson, Tara Crandon, Chloe Watfern, Dr Charles Le Feuvre, Lara McDonald, Associate Professor Vinay Lakra, Dr Jacqueline Small

Online series: My Climate Action 2022: Mental Health and Resilience (22 September 2022)
Hosted by: The United Nations Association of Australia Young Professionals. Presenters: Associate Professor Fiona Charlson and Tara Crandon.

Webinar: Supporting young people to cope with climate anxiety (30 June 2022)
Experts share insights about young people's experiences with climate anxiety and highlight the work of organisations providing support along with the latest research findings. Hosted by: Mental Health and Climate Change Trandisciplinary Research Network.

Webinar: Working together to solve the mental health impacts of climate change (14 June 2022)
An introduction to the mission and objectives of the Mental Health in Climate Change Transdisciplinary Network and a panel discussion with field and academic experts about the mental health support needs of communities impacted by extreme weather events.