InterLACE: International collaboration for a Life course Approach to reproductive health and
Chronic disease Events

InterLACE provides a unique opportunity to conduct world-leading research in collaboration with key national and international investigators on women’s health studies from more than ten countries.

Start date: January 2012
Funding sources: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australian Research Council

The project undertakes cross-cohort research by combining data at the individual level from more than 850,000 participants from 27 existing observational studies to investigate the role of reproductive health across the life course on future chronic disease events including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

While such research poses cross-cohort and cross-cultural challenges, InterLACE has the capability to address research questions and generate robust evidence that is not possible from any single cohort study. InterLACE also enables a detailed review of methodologies currently used in studies on women’s health that will result in recommendations for study design, menopausal symptom measures, and reporting of results to improve international and cross-cultural comparisons.

  • Professor Gita Mishra

    Division Head, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
    NHMRC Leadership Fellow
    School of Public Health
    Affiliate of Australian Women's and Girls' Health Research Centre & Centre Director of Australian Women's and Girls' Health Research Centre
    Australian Women's and Girls' Health Research Centre
  • Professor Annette Dobson

    Professor of Biostatistics
    School of Public Health
    Affiliate of Australian Women's and Girls' Health Research Centre
    Australian Women's and Girls' Health Research Centre
  • Dr Hsin-Fang Chung

    Research Fellow
    School of Public Health
  • Chen Liang

    Mrs Chen Liang

    PhD student
    School of Public Health
InterLACE study team map
InterLACE study team map

Research impact

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