Duration: 5 years (2019-2023)

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are responsible for two-thirds of deaths amongst women. The Centre of Research Excellence on Women and Non-Communicable Diseases (CRE WaND) looks to move women’s health beyond reproductive and sexual health to encompass and prioritise the prevention and detection of NCDs. CRE WaND represents a critical window to tackle NCDs. It combines outstanding data resources with expertise to produce high impact health outcomes, world-leading research capacity, and collaborative partnerships.

Please visit the CRE WaND website for more information. 

Project members

Professor Gita Mishra

Division Head, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
NHMRC Leadership Fellow
School of Public Health
Affiliate of Australian Women's and Girls' Health Research Centre & Centre Director of Australian Women's and Girls' Health Research Centre
Australian Women's and Girls' Health Research Centre

Professor Annette Dobson

Professor of Biostatistics
School of Public Health
Affiliate of Australian Women's and Girls' Health Research Centre
Australian Women's and Girls' Health Research Centre

Associate Professor Leigh Tooth

Principal Research Fellow
School of Public Health
Affiliate of Parenting and Family Support Centre
Parenting and Family Support Centre
Affiliate of Australian Women's and Girls' Health Research Centre
Australian Women's and Girls' Health Research Centre
Jenny Doust

Professor Jenny Doust

Clinical Prof Research Fellow
School of Public Health

Dr Louise Wilson

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Public Health