Bowel Screening Preferences

Bowel Screening Preferences of First Nations Australians

A preference-informed model to improve access and equity in bowel screening for Australia’s First Nations people through home care services.

Bowel Screening Preferences of First Nations Australians is an NHMRC funded project 2022-2025 (Grant Identifier: 2021/GNT2015290) aiming to optimise participation in the bowel cancer screening program by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Bowel cancer is the third-most common cancer affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Participation in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP) by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is lower than for non-Indigenous Australians. Working in collaboration with our industry partner, Aboriginal Home Health, Indigenous Services, a division of Australian Unity, this project aims to increase participation among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients by co-designing and implementing a bowel cancer screening program that is informed by their preferences and values.

The multi-disciplinary research team involves researchers from:
The University of Queensland, University of Sydney, Menzies School of Health Research, University of Wollongong, The University of Adelaide, University of New South Wales, and Flinders University.

Project members

Gail Garvey

Professor Gail Garvey (AM)

NHMRC Leadership Fellow and Professor in Indigenous Health Research

Dr Nisreen Aouira

Principal Research Project Officer
Tsegaw Amare Baykeda

Tsegaw Amare Baykeda

Casual Research Assistant and PhD student

Dr Tamara Butler

Research Fellow
Honorary Fellow
School of Public Health

Dr Shafkat Jahan

Research Fellow
School of Public Health