Jodie is the project manager for the blood cancer project commissioned by the Leukaemia Foundation, focusing on understanding the impact of blood cancers on First Nations Australians. The project aims to gather comprehensive data on the epidemiology of these cancers among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This information will inform and drive discussions at a planned 2025 National Roundtable, shaping priorities and strategies to address systemic challenges and barriers faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples diagnosed with blood cancer. 

Jodie, a current PhD candidate at The University of Queensland, has served as a project manager for various large-scale national cancer research trials funded by NHMRC at institutions such as the Cancer Council of Queensland, University of Sydney - Westmead Institute for Cancer Research, The University of Queensland, and QIMR.

Jodie's professional background includes roles as a registered nurse, nurse educator, clinical specialist nurse, and certified practitioner in healthcare quality, both in Australia and abroad in the USA and Pakistan. With a passion for cancer epidemiology, health promotion, and disability, Jodie is dedicated to enhancing health outcomes for First Nations Australians through her work with the FNCWR team.