Presentation by Professor Jason Ferris & Dr Dom Gorse

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When it comes to data management many of us make use of UQs RDM. There are a lot of good things about this platform; but data governance for sensitive data and documents is not one of them. This is where KeyPoint – a Trusted Research Environment – comes in. We are going to discuss projects that speak to a national collaboration to deliver a secure, trusted and scalable environment for data governance, control and management services for data custodians and secure remote data analysis environments for research users.

About SPH Seminar Series

We invite you to join us for the School of Public Health Research Seminar Series

  • Our seminars begin in February and are held fortnightly on a Tuesday from 1- 2 pm and showcase the latest public health research by the School’s researchers, adjuncts, and visitors. 
  • No RSVPs are required, all are welcome.
  • For more information about our seminar program, please email

Seminar recordings
To view past seminars click the links below:


Room 113
Level 1, Public Health Building, Herston Campus